:: Left-Handed Bass Guitar Theory Nuts & Bolts + CD

Left-Handed Bass Guitar Theory Nuts & Bolts + CD
دسته بندی: کتابهای گیتار باس
ناشر: Independently published
وضعیت: موجود
تعداد صفحه: 114
Book & CD
  • جهت استعلام قیمت، خرید و مشاهده نمونه صفحه محصول، لطفاً از طریق پشتیبانی فروشگاه در واتساپ و تلگرام اقدام فرمایید.

    by Andy Schneider
    Music Theory Explained in Practical, Everyday Context for All Genres
    A Complete Guide to Music Theory on the Bass Guitar in Practical, Everyday Context. For All Genres – Understand the Working of How Chords, Scales and Melodies Are All Related.

    Left-Handed Bass Guitar Theory Nuts & Bolts has the theory answers you’ve been seeking, in plain language that links scales to chords and melodies in practical terms. It’s music theory in no-nonsense form that you’ll use in your own music, starting the first day.

    Bassists have a common obstacle to musical growth: they often lack understanding of the basic construction of music. To progress, it’s crucial to know the mechanics of music. It’s music theory that’s behind great music, but too often discussions of music theory get too theoretical for most of us.
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